Saturday, November 6, 2010

Corn Muffins Ala Kenny Rogers - 2 Baking Methods Which Do You Prefer?

Kenny Rogers Corn Muffins how many of us can resist the temptation of having them when dinning in the restaurant itself, I for one definitely can't resist. Countless of search over the net with for the recipe eventually came down to 2 of them for me to try out, and i did the 2 baking methods tonight so that i could compare which of these 2 methods are more alike to the real Kenny Roger Corn Muffins in terms of taste and texture.

1st Method (stir and mix method):

Corn Muffins
makes 24 cups
(adapted from My Culinary Journal with slight modifications)

2 cups self raising flour
2 cups yellow cornmeal
2/3 cup caster sugar
2/3 cup honey
2 eggs
2 cups milk
2/3 cup vegetable oil
1/2 box del monte cream style corn
1 box del monte fresh corn kernels, drained

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius.
  2. In a large bowl, combine flour, cornmeal and sugar. Stir in eggs, milk, honey, vegetable oil and cream corn until well combined. Fold in corn kernels. Pour batter into paper cups.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 20-25mins, or until golden brown.
taste good when warm but i found it to be a little dry for my taste shall add in more milk/cream corn if baking these again. Honey taste is quite prominent. Overall quite good but texture and taste has no likening to the real one.

2nd Method (creaming method)

Corn Muffins
makes 24 cups
(adapted from foodgoat with slight modifications)

250g unsalted butter, softened
2/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey
1 1/2 cup self raising flour
3/4 cup yellow cornmeal
1/2 cup milk
1/2 box del monte cream style corn
1 box del monte fresh corn kernels, drained

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius.
  2. Cream together butter, sugar, honey, in a large bowl.
  3. Add flour, cornmeal, cream corn and blend thoroughly. Add milk while mixing.
  4. Fold in corn kernels until well combined.
  5. Pour batter into paper cups till 90% full and bake for 25mins or until golden brown.
Good! Soft and very moist taste almost like the real one but texture has no similarities maybe because butter is used here instead of vegetable oil and it brings out the corn flavor more. I would opt to bake this then the 1st one. So dear readers please try and let me know which one do you prefer!

And now i would like to express my thanks to Cooking Gallery and 我的厨房乐园 for presenting me with these 2 rewards respectively:

This is the 1st time i am ever presented with awards and you could imagine my awe when i saw my name in their blogs below the award logo. From the start of my blogging til now i had made numerous blogger friends and all of them are so nice and friendly with encouraging words to each and every of my post and i sincerely thank all you who had dropped by j3ss kitch3n and hope we have more baking/cooking adventures to come now and in the future! Cheers!


Angie's Recipes said...

I personally prefer muffin method, quick and easy, and the final result is relatively moist. But if I want a light and airy muffins, then creaming method is perfect for me.
Both your muffins look great, although you found the first one was slightly dry for your tastebud...but it could have been the recipe...1st recipe used 2 cups of yellow cornmeal and 2nd one just 3/4 cup.
All in all, I find both muffins are great.
I wish you a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wah, you tried 2 methods, 佩服 leh

j3ss kitch3n said...

angie haha yeah the lazy me will always choose the easier stir and mix method both muffins do taste great only difference in texture! have a great weekend too!

neyeeloh hehe ya i tried both in the same night i got this madness to bake different things in a night!

tigerfish said...

I only know how to eat and enjoy the corn

Pei-Lin said...

I'd have also guessed the creaming method works better to achieve a similar texture. Just a thought: increase the quantity of the sugar and replace honey with veggie oil to make the muffins moister. Ever since I got myself involved in the food distribution industry, and as we all most probably know, store-bought muffins and other bakes for sure contain some sort of additives e.g. emulsifier, ovalette (softener), stabilizer and whatnot. So, IMO, there's no way we can replicate store-bought bakes exactly unless you opt to include additives in your bakes. Just my two cents.

Btw, congrats on the awards! I know your blog would grow since I found you way back then. LOL! Have a lovely week!

j3ss kitch3n said...

tigerfish, lol its ok i think most of us would prefer to eat and enjoy rather then baking it lol!

Pei-Lin, yeah its very hard to replicate them hehe i'm just trying to do so only haha! and yes you were the one who 1st commented on my post the young cheerful gal brings back my 1st blog post memories haha! have a lovely week ahead too!

Bakericious said...

Hi Jess, I think I will prefer creaming method, I like cake alike muffin heeheehee... Congrats on the awards!

Your #1 Fan said...

No matter what, they all look so good. -drools- Will try the recipes in the future. Thanks for sharing.
And congrats on the awards!!!

j3ss kitch3n said...

thanks jess! i also prefer the creaming method i think it just simply bring out the fragrance of the corn muffins!

thanks jet!! hope to see your post on these corn muffins soon!!

WendyinKK said...

I think my husband and I are the weird ones that will leave the muffins behind, each time we dine at Kenny Rogers.
I really salute you la, how to eat so many muffins? Some more all same flavour? Santa claus them around eh??

j3ss kitch3n said...

wendy LOL!!! i got this madness of over baking lol! and family members are going to get crazy soon!

Von said...

I've never heard of kenny rogers corn muffins.....haha. I've never actually had corn muffins before, although I've been meaning to make them for some time- they sound delicious!!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I like the muffin at Kenny Rogers and Popeye. Thanks for sharing not one but two recipes for comparison. I wonder how u finish all 48 cups of muffin, haha.

j3ss kitch3n said...

von pls do try when u passby kenny rogers the next time round else u wouldn't know wat you are missing!

angel hehe i got a troop to clear them for me hehe!

Zoe said...

Congrats with your awards! From your pictures, I would think the melt and mix one look good but for actual fact, I would think the cream one will taste better. I like your comparison :D

j3ss kitch3n said...

thanks zoe! yeah i prefer the creaming method too!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Congratulations on your awards! And I love corn muffins-either way I think! :D

lena said...

hi jess, when you mentioned "box' as in the ingredient, do you mean 'can' or 'tin' cos i would like to try this out some day..

j3ss kitch3n said...

thanks lorraine!

j3ss kitch3n said...

hi lena, this particular brand i bought comes in a paper box that's y i mentioned box but you could also replace is with can or tins the net weight of my boxed corns comes in 380g net i hope this helps!

lena said...

thanks jess! shall mark this down first.

j3ss kitch3n said...

you are most welcome lena!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, I am going to try this out soon after the exam. Gonnna let you know soon !! :)

j3ss kitch3n said...

Weng, pls do so!! =D

j3ss kitch3n said...

Weng, pls do so!! =D

neyeeloh said...

Wah, you tried 2 methods, 佩服 leh

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