Saturday, January 1, 2011

Aspiring Bakers #3: My Favourite CNY Cookie (Jan 2011)

Hi Peeps! after celebrating Christmas and sending off year 2010 its a new start of a brand new year again!

I'm hosting the Aspiring Bakers #3 for January 2011.

The theme for this time round is My Favorite CNY Cookie!

Who can join?
Everyone!(if you do not have a blog, just send me a photo and recipe of your bake)

How to join?
Step 1:
Bake any CNY related cookies in the month of January 2011. You can submit more than 1 post.

Your post must include the recipe or link to the original recipe. If you are using a recipe from a book, please include the title of the book too. Please also mention in your blog that you are submitting your post to Aspiring Bakers #3: My Favorite CNY Cookie (Jan 2011) and link to this page.

Step 2:
Email to in the following format:

Your name or nickname:
Your blog name:
Name of your bake:
URL of your post:
Attachment of your photo in your email (one photo for each entry, preferably < 500kb).

The closing date is: 31 Jan 2011. All entries will be compiled and post by 01 Feb 2011.
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