Its been 8 months since i last posted, times flies don't they? Anyway i would like to thank all of my readers and blogger friends for asking after me during this 8 long months of absent. New job is busy and i do work late almost everyday, even though i do leave early sometimes, I'm still occupied by some long overdue stuffs sigh.. time is always never enough for me!
I finally found the time to bake a decent loaf of bread recently, i love the color, simply brightens up my morning when i took photos of them in the morning (yup its always late night baking for me then photo taking when i wake up in the morning), will you smile too when you see these?
A healthy bread with such a lovely color is bound to set your appetite whetting for sure haha, crusty exterior and soft fluffy interior.
What could be better then eating a slice of bread with kaya.. YUM!
Wholemeal Sweet Potato Loaf 全麦紫红薯土司
(adapted and modified from Carol 老师 全麦南瓜蔓越梅土司)
Starter Dough Ingredients
200g bread flour
1/2 tsp instant yeast
130g cooked purple sweet potato (mashed)
- Combine bread flour, instant yeast and mashed sweet potato in a mixing bowl, add in sufficient water to form a soft pliable dough, cover with cling wrap or a wet cloth and prove for 1hr or until double in size.
Main Dough Ingredients
All of Starter Dough
30g bread flour
50g wholemeal flour
65g cooked purple sweet potato (mashed)
20g sugar
40g olive oil
- Combine all of the Main Dough Ingredients in your bread maker machine or stand mixer and knead till the window pane stage, cover with cling wrap or wet cloth and prove for 1hr or until double in size.
- Punch out the air from the proofed dough and divide the dough into 2 equal parts, cover and rest the doughs for 15mins.
- Punch out the air from the rested doughs and shape into rounds, place into bread tin and prove for 1hr.
- Bake in preheated oven of 170C for 38mins or till golden brown, remove bread from tin immediately once done and cool completely on a cooling rack before slicing.